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Mom of the Month: Claudia Santa Cruz

Where are you originally from? I’m from Peru.

When did you join FIT4MOM? I started in January 2024.

What classes do you attend? I go to Stroller Strides, HIIT Body Boost, and Stroller Barre.

Who is/are your workout buddy(ies) and their age(s)? Baby Austin - 5 months old

What is your favorite thing about FIT4MOM? My favorite thing about FIT4MOM is definitely the sense of community and the opportunity to make new friends. It's such a supportive environment, and connecting with other moms while staying active is incredibly rewarding.

What is your current job? Or what did you do before staying at home (if you don’t currently work outside the home)? I work as a Sales Executive in a tech company.

Share your thoughts on the concept of “it takes a village” – is it important for moms to join a village? As a mom, I believe that the concept of a village gives us the opportunity to feel part of a community where we can get encouragement and understanding during the journey of motherhood. I think it's a safe space where we can learn from and lean on each other.

What is your favorite beverage? I love passion fruit iced tea with mango juice. It’s refreshing and delicious!

What is your favorite dessert? I love frozen yogurt with chocolate, peanuts, and fruits on top. Yummy!

You are given 4 hours of FREE babysitting. What would you do? I would book 4 hours of dance classes! I love dancing songs from BTS. It makes me really happy!

What is your ultimate child-free vacation destination? I’d love to take a cruise to visit Greece and Italy.

How has becoming a mother changed you? Becoming a mom changed me a lot. I love more, have more patience, and care about different things now. I always think about what's best for my baby’s happiness and well-being so I can help him become a healthy and loving person in the future. Being a mom has totally changed my life for the better.

I am happiest when...I get to share moments with my family, just talking and enjoying a lovely meal. That’s all I need.