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Mom of the Month: Erika Buster

Name: Erika Buster

Where are you originally from? I am from Houston, Texas.

When did you join FIT4MOM? Winter 2023

What classes do you attend? Stroller Strides

Who is/are your workout buddy(ies) and their age(s)? My daughter Izzy is 22 months old.

What is your favorite thing about FIT4MOM? Getting out of the house and socializing.

What is your current job? Or what did you do before staying at home (if you don’t currently work outside the home)? Before becoming a full-time caregiver, I was a high school art teacher and freelanced as a SEM specialist/graphic designer.

Share your thoughts on the concept of “it takes a village” – is it important for moms to join a village? The concept "it takes a village" resonates with me through my experience as a mom and educator. Children and adults need to be part of a community where they experience safe and healthy relationships with a diverse group of mentors and caregivers.

What is your favorite beverage? Iced caramel macchiato

What is your favorite dessert? Sugar cookies

You are given 4 hours of FREE babysitting. What would you do? Go to a Sleater-Kinney concert!

What is your ultimate child-free vacation destination? Berlin, Germany

How has becoming a mother changed you? The biggest change is my priorities and self-perception. I've also become more sympathetic and present with my time.

I am happiest when...spending time with family and friends.