Where are you originally from? Surrey, UK
When did you join FIT4MOM? Before the birth of my first kid, in 2018 with Fit4Baby.
What classes do you attend? I’ve done two rounds of Fit4Baby, a few Body Well sessions, and am now part of Run Club!
Who is/are your workout buddy(ies) and their age(s)? Zac (5 years) and Kai (17 months).
What is your favorite thing about FIT4MOM? The amazing community.
What is your current job? Or what did you do before staying at home (if you don’t currently work outside the home)? I’m a hardware designer, at Microsoft.
Share your thoughts on the concept of “it takes a village” – is it important for moms to join a village? So important! We all need the support of other moms, especially in today’s world when many of us live apart from our extended families.
What is your favorite beverage? Squash, not the vegetable (the British cordial)!
What is your favorite dessert? Ice cream.
You are given 4 hours of FREE babysitting. What would you do? Go skiing (in the winter); go for dinner with my wife.
What is your ultimate child-free vacation destination? A road trip around the US - as the kids can’t handle long car journeys yet!
How has becoming a mother changed you? I have become super-efficient with my time. There is never enough but I fit a lot in with what I have!
I am happiest when... I am in the mountains.