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Mom of the Month: Natalia Thawsh

Where are you originally from? Bogota, Colombia.

When did you join FIT4MOM? August of 2019

What classes do you attend? Previously Fit4Baby, currently Stroller Strides and Stride360.

Who is/are your workout buddy(ies) and their age(s)? Aaron is 4 years old and Andy is 4 months old.

What is your favorite thing about FIT4MOM? I enjoy having the opportunity to workout with moms. I love that we get to share wisdom as we navigate being a mom. I also like Jamie (the owner); her energy is so amazing and contagious. She really inspires me and is very supportive.

What is your current job? Or what did you do before staying at home (if you don’t currently work outside the home)? I work as a Senior Accounting Manager (CPA) for software as a service company.

Share your thoughts on the concept of “it takes a village” – is it important for moms to join a village? It really does take a village. I learned that a little of the hard way with my first son, Aaron. I felt I could do it all on my own and that wasn't true so I actually struggled with postpartum depression. But with my second, Andy, I have lots of help which allows me to get more rest and feel better. If I have any wisdom to give: sleep and nap as much as you can (it truly makes a big difference) and let people help you. Additionally, working out has been such an amazing experience both times. It makes you feel better, gets you out of the house and you get to meet great moms.

What is your favorite beverage? Alcohol - Screw Driver! First drink I had with my dad. Non-Alcoholic - Black Colombian Coffee with raw sugar.

What is your favorite dessert? I am not a big dessert person but if I want something I would have a Haagen-Dazs chocolate dark chocolate ice cream bar.

You are given 4 hours of FREE babysitting. What would you do? I would go to the movies with my husband. It is our favorite date since we met and it's hard to do with kids.

What is your ultimate child-free vacation destination? San Andres Island in Colombia.

How has becoming a mother changed you? So much :-) I think one of the biggest things is that it taught me to go with the flow of things and be more patient. I tend to be type A and want to have everything planned, but I learned that it is impossible with kids and interestingly enough it's made me a better leader in my current job.

I am happiest when...I am with my family.