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Mom of the Month: Viktoriia Kharchenko

Where are you originally from? Ukraine. I moved to Seattle with my husband six years ago.

When did you join FIT4MOM? I joined around 12-14 weeks pregnant, as soon as my provider allowed me to exercise. I really wanted to be active during my pregnancy and kept asking when could I start exercising with no limitations.

What classes do you attend? I attended Fit4Baby classes while pregnant. Now my new favorite is TRX. I also enjoy HIIT, and Stroller Strides when my little workout partner allows me to attend.

Who is/are your workout buddy(ies) and their age(s)? My son Ethan just turned 5 months old. He keeps me active outside classes as well - workouts non-stop all day long!

What is your favorite thing about FIT4MOM? I appreciate how having this community of other moms helps pregnant ladies and new moms, providing emotional support, practical assistance, and a sense of belonging. Fit4Mom classes are fun and also empowering, encouraging and allowing new and expecting moms to focus on ourselves, our health and emotional well-being.

What is your current job? Or what did you do before staying at home (if you don’t currently work outside the home)? I’ve been a stay at home mom for 5 months already and plan to keep this job for a little while :) Before that, I worked as a program manager in IT.

Share your thoughts on the concept of “it takes a village” – is it important for moms to join a village? It’s extremely important. Connecting with others who share similar experiences helps reduce feelings of isolation and anxiety.

What is your favorite beverage? If you ask me in the morning it’s going to be espresso, no doubt. I did enjoy a glass of white wine or Prosecco before pregnancy.

What is your favorite dessert? This is a tough one! So many… tiramisu is one of my all time favorites. I’m also big fan of croissants.

You are given 4 hours of FREE babysitting. What would you do? Dress up, put on heals and makeup, and go on a date with my husband to someplace nice

What is your ultimate child-free vacation destination? I want to say Maldives but I’ve never been there, just one of my dream places to visit.

How has becoming a mother changed you? I definitely discovered inner strength and resourcefulness that I didn't know I possessed, like not sleeping for 5 months straight. Or learning how much I can do in just 30 minutes while my son sleeps. It’s for sure a whole new range of emotions and uncovering hidden strengths.

I am happiest when...I’m with my family enjoying sunny weather outside (preferably on vacation) with a glass of wine, I mean cup of coffee, in my hand.